During the developing stages of childhood we absorb many aspects of life through the experiences, teaching and influences of the objects and adults that surround us. Seldom do we take the time to consider the impact this has had on our adult lives.
Toys transport many adults back to utopian places in their childhood, where gigantic battles were fought and won, monstrous mutants’ slayed and princesses dressed in opulent gowns.
The installation first exhibited at the Contemporary Urban Centre and simultaneously at Metal, Liverpool, UK in February 2011, is a response to my investigation into the relevance of toys in our lives. It highlights the influences of these toys and reflected memories, although sometimes subtle, that have seeped into the everyday lives of many participants, particularly artists. The exhibition marks the beginning of an international project that aims to link artists and cultures through collaboration and communication.
THE OBJECT OF THINGS –TOYS 2 , Croatia April 2011
Igracka Iz Mog Djetinjstva
During April 2011, in the charming space of Studio Valeria in the centre of Medulin, Croatia the first international collaborative exhibition of the project took place. It revealed a moment in seven UK and seven Croatian artists’ lives were they have allowed themselves the time to reflect and consider this hypothesis.
See PROJECTS for further details.